On the 11th December 2020, CDC ran a national virual event for SEND Leads, DCO/DMOs and Commissioners from across the country. The aim of the event was to update the sector, share knowledge and best pratice and learn from each other. The main plenary session consisted of:
- An update on the work across health and social care within DfE from Janet Collins from DfE
- Update on Learning Disability and Autism and Mental Health Workstreams from Sue North, Head of CYP, NHSE/I &David Lockwood, Deputy Head for Perinatal and CYP Mental Health, NHSE/I
- A briefing on local areas’ special educational needs and disabilities provision from Nick Whittaker Specialist Adviser, SEND, Ofsted
A recording of the main session can be viewed here.
Attendees at the event were also given the opportunity to attend 2x workshops on variety of topics. Please find the workshop recordings below:
- Supporting employment pathways for young people with send during and post covid
- Leadership in Challenging Times
- HeadStart Hull
- SENDIASS Joint Commissioning – the West Sussex Journey
- Early Help, SEN support and the Local Offer
- Development of a SEND Outcomes Framework
- Using innovative robot technology to support home education
- Learning from the National Trial of SEND Tribunal
- Quick wins
- Creative online participation methods for children and young people
- Embracing telehealth technology – Covid and beyond
- Supporting parents with children who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable
If you would like to have access to any of the PowerPoints shown in the workshops, please email Dafna at [email protected].