Each year, the EYSEND Partnership hosts regional events that bring together hundreds of representatives across SEN, disability, early years and education sectors to carry out our collective aim of improving access and inclusion for disabled children and children with special educational needs in the early years.
During the events, delegates hear from guest speakers covering a range of topics and participate in a number of workshops that you can find out more about below.
Guest Speakers
- National Children's Bureau - Stronger Practice Hubs
- University of Huddersfield - How Organisational Culture and Leadership Practices Create an Enabling Environment in the Early Years
- Ofsted - Area SEND Inspection Framework and the Early Years
- Ofsted - SEN and Disability in the Early Years: An Ofsted Perspective
- Office for National Statistics - What’s School Like for Disabled Young People and those with SEN? A Qualitative Exploration
- Ambition Institute - Strengthening Early Years Leadership through High Quality Professional Development
- University College London - Improving Mathematical Outcomes for Pre-schoolers with SEN
- Coram - Annual Childcare Sufficiency
- Education Policy Institute - Inequalities in provision for disabled children and those with SEN
- Anna Freud Centre - How Family Hubs make a difference for families with disabled children and those with SEN
Hazel Newstead - Treehouse Family Hub: Coproduction
Vic Knowland - Using sign to support language in early years
EYSEND Partnership Workshops
- Early Childhood Unit at the National Children’s Bureau - The home learning environment
- Nasen – A whole setting approach to SEND
- Contact: Co-production and reaching underserved communities
- Dingley’s Promise: Transitions - challenges and solutions
- Speech and Language UK - Communication pathways
- Council for Disabled Children - Statutory framework and high-quality provision
The EYSEND Partnership often has local area co-present the strategic work to demonstrate some of the best practice of access and inclusion from around the country.
Video recordings
Watch the presentations from recent events below:
Introduction to EYSEND Partnership programme 23-25
EYSEND Partners present their specialisms
Improving Mathematical Outcomes for disabled Pre-schoolers and those with SEN – Dr Jo Van Herwegen & Dr Laura Outhwaite, UCL
Annual Childcare Survey and Sufficiency – Lydia Hodges, Coram
Exploring the ways Start for Life and family hubs can make a difference for families with disabled children and those with SEN – Julie Greer, Anna Freud Centre
Mental Health in Education Settings – Charlotte Rainer, Children & Young People’s Mental Health Coalition
Treehouse Family Hub: Coproduction - Hazel Newstead, SEND Early years Lead, Newcastle City Council
Using sign to support language in the early years - Vic Knowland, Speech and Language Therapist and Lecturer, Newcastle University
To find out more about the EYSEND Partnership’s training and events, please subscribe to our newsletter.