Information, Advice and Support provider
Milton Keynes SENDIAS
Description of service
Milton Keynes SENDIAS is a statutory service offering confidential and impartial information, advice and support. The service supports children and young people (0-25) with special education needs and/or disabilities as well as their parents/carers.
We offer information and a range of resources about the law on special educational needs and disability. This covers:
- Education, health and social care
- National and local policy
- The Local Offer in Milton Keynes
- Your rights and choices
- Your opportunities to participate
- Where you can find help and advice
- How you can access this support
Milton Keynes SEND IAS Service
Civic Offices
Saxon Gate
Milton Keynes
Opening hours
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
A reduced service during the school holidays.
01908 254 518 – Answer phone facility