Personalisation means making sure individuals are fully involved in the planning for their own future.
Personalisation ensures the individual gets the support that is right for them, and that they have choice and control over how they live their lives. Have a look at the links below to find out more.
Best Interest Decisions Tool
Ambitious about Autism, Mencap and the Challenging Behaviour Foundation in partnership with Irwin Mitchell, have produced a leaflet to help individuals who feel that they are not being appropriately consulted about the welfare of their loved ones.
Doing services differently: local innovations for disabled people
This report, produced by independent think-tank nef and Scope, presents examples of innovations developed by local authorities and providers that show how services can improve disabled people’s lives and save money.
Families and Personalisation
Research by NDTi and Dimensions exploring how families are being involved in the personalisation process.
Making it Real: Marking progress towards personalised, community based support
Making it Real sets out what people who use services and carers expect to see and experience if support services are truly personalised. The aim of Making it Real is for people to have more choice and control so they can live full and independent lives.
Making it personal... social care charter
The charter was put together by people Dimensions support and sets out the key rights that people with learning disabilities and autism feel they must have to live the life they choose.
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People not processes: The future of personalisation and independent living
This is a report of two seminars which brought together service users, carers, social care practitioners and policy makers to discuss the future of personalisation at a time of limited resources.
Personal Budgets and Supported Employment
This guide sets out what the key issues around personalisation and supported employment are, particularly for people with a learning disability and people with autism. It describes the supported employment model and current funding streams that can be used. The guide explores some of the challenges for jobseekers and for supported employment providers and how these might be overcome.
Personalisation: A rough guide
This guide aims to tell the story so far about the personalisation of adult social care services. It is intended to be a ‘rough guide’, exploring what personalisation is, where the idea came from and placing the transformation of adult social care in the wider public service reform agenda.
Personalised Transition: innovations in health, education and support
Personalised Transition summarises a new way of organising support to disabled young people and their families.
Personalised Transition
Personalised Transition is a new report, commissioned by the Yorkshire & Humber Region, describes a radical new reform of public services. The report describes and evaluates the success of a new model of personalised transition to help disabled children leave school and move into adult life.
Real Opportunities
Real Opportunities have a variety of person-centred planning tools and resources.
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP)
The Think Local, Act Personal Partnership is comprised of over 30 national and umbrella organisations representing the broad interest in personalisation and community-based support.
What does personalisation mean?
This page explains what personalisation, person-centred tools and being a person-centred organisation means.
What Works
The Communication Trust has worked with the Better Communication Research Programme to develop the What Works database of evidenced interventions to support children's speech, language and communication.