Information, Advice and Support provider
Bracknell Forest Information Advice and Support Service
Description of service
The Information, Advice and Support Service provides confidential and impartial advice and information to support parents/carers and children and young people who have, or may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Bracknell Forest.
The support we can give you includes:
- Confidential helpline (telephone and email)
- General information on special educational needs and disabilities
- Help for parents and carers to express their views, support through the statutory assessment process
- Help to complete forms and help to understand complex documents and reports
- Support at meetings
- Signposting to the Local Offer and other support groups & activities.
Opening hours
9am to 5pm
The Rowans and Sycamores Family Hub
Pond Moor Road,
RG12 7JZ
01344 354 011