What are we doing about it?
At CDC, participation informs the way that we work and is an intrinsic part of everything we do. Our vision is that all organisations, agencies and services that affect children and young people will have structures and systems in place to respond to their ideas and priorities, and to work with them to bring about positive change. We believe that by supporting and training professionals in their participation practice and involving children and young people at key stages in our work, we can increase opportunities for participation and make our vision a reality.
Things to consider when incorporating participation into your practice:
Use tried and tested resources
For example, use Hear By Right to give you a framework to develop a participation strategy.
Be clear about the different levels of participation
Breaking participation down into the different levels (individual, service and strategic) will make the process of planning for participation clearer and mean that you can make sure what you are planning is appropriate for the intended purpose.
Promote positive attitudes to disability
Good practice in participation for disabled children and young people rests on the attitudes of the adults supporting them. Disability equality training for all universal and specialist workers will promote a positive attitude to disability; highlight the importance of involving and listening to disabled children and young people; and stress the importance of seeing disabled children as the experts in their own lives.
Build participation into everyone’s job roles
Building participation into everyone’s job roles and job descriptions will make sure that it becomes everyone’s responsibility and not just that of the participation, disability or inclusion worker.
Gain senior-level commitment
Having the commitment of senior figures in the organisation shows that it is committed to and support disabled children and young people’s participation.
And finally - don't over complicate participation. There may be hurdles to overcome but participation is simply listening to children, involving them in decisions and issues that affect them and recognising them as the experts in their own lives.