SEC regularly submits responses and position papers to public consultations. Please see a series of recent submissions below:
- SEC response to the Curriculum and Assessment Review Call for Evidence (November 2024)
- SEC response to the Public Accounts Committee call for evidence on support for children and young people with SEN (November 2024)
- Strengthening protections in unregistered alternative provision (July 2024)
- Education Select Committee Inquiry on Children's Social Care - Call for Evidence (Jan 2024)
- Consultation on Elective Home Education Guidance Review (Jan 2024)
- Consultation on National Standards for Personal, Social and Employability Qualifications (May 2024)
- The Disability Unit’s consultation On a Disability Action Plan 23-24 (Oct 2023)
- DfE’s Consultation on Early Years Foundation Stage (July 2023)
- Improving support for Children missing in education (July 2023)
- DfE’s Call for evidence: Use of reasonable force, restrain and restrictive practices (May 2023)
- DfE’s call for evidence on the ITT core content framework and early career framework (April 2023)
- The Education Select Committee’s call for evidence on persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils (Feb 2023)
- Ofsted and CQC consultation on ‘A new approach to area SEND inspections’ (Sep 2022)
- DfE National Funding Formula (Sep 2022)
- SEC Response to the SEND Review Green Paper (July 2022)
School attendance: improving consistency of support (Feb 2022)
Ofsted's role in the online education accreditation scheme (Jan 2022)
Education challenges facing children and young people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller backgrounds (Jan 2022)
Future of post-16 qualifications (Jan 2022)
Reforming how local authority school improvement functions are funded
- SEC’s response to the Dispute Resolution in England and Wales: Call for Evidence (October 2021)
- SEC’s submission to the Treasury for the Comprehensive Spending Review (September 2021)
- Fair school funding for all: completing our reforms to the National Funding Formula (September 2021)
- SEC’s consultation response on NICE draft guidelines for Disabled children and young people up to 25 with severe complex needs: integrated service delivery and organisation across health, social care and education (September 2021)
- The Home Office consultation on the Domestic abuse act draft statutory guidance (September 2021)
- DfE’s call for evidence on Behaviour management strategies, in-school units and managed moves (August 2021)
- DfE’s consultation on the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) market review: recommendations (August 2021)
- Changes to the school suspension and expulsion process due to Coronavirus: Feedback from the Special Educational Consortium (March 2021)
- DfE and Ofqual consultation on how GCSE, AS and A level grades should be awarded in summer 2021: A response from the Special Educational Consortium (January)
- Consultation on Validation of Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) Programmes, 2021: A response from the Special Educational Consortium (January)
- Written response to Education Select Committee 2020 Inquiry into Home Education
- CDC and SEC response to the 2020-21 Comprehensive Spending Review Call for Evidence
- SEC response to DfE consultation on the proposed School Admissions Code
- SEC response to DfE consultation on proposals for the framework to inspect the quality of teacher education from September 2020 (April 2020)
- SEC response to DfE consultation on the removal of the ‘outstanding’ exemption (February 2020)
- SEC response to consultation on EYFS reforms (January 2020)
- SEC response to DfE consultation on Changes to the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 (December 2019)
- SEC response to DfE consultation on Home to school travel and transport: statutory guidance (October 2019)
- SEC response to DFE's consultation on guidance on the use of restraint and restrictive intervention in mainstream settings and alternative provision (October 2019)
- SEC response to DfE's call for evidence on funding for special educational needs and disabilities and those who need alternative provision (July 2019)
- SEC response to DfE's call for evidence on Character and Resilience (July 2019)
- SEC response to the DfE Children not in school: proposed legislation Government consultation (June 2019)
- SEC response to DfE call for evidence on post 16 qualifications at level 3 and below (June 2019)
- SEC response to Autism Strategy call for evidence (May 2019)
- SEC response to Ofsted Education inspection framework 2019 consultation (April 2019)
- Consultation on the National Audit Office Value for Money Study: Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): A response from the Special Educational Consortium (March 2019)