Every young person is entitled to an education that pushes them to their full potential.
To help you navigate the system and understand what's available to you have a look at the following links on further education, higher education, inclusion, money, SEN advice and transition planning.
- Secondary School
- Further Education
- Higher Education (University)
- Inclusion
- Funding
- SEN Advice
- Transition Planning
- Training Providers
1. Secondary School
Creating an Attitude of Inclusion
eLearning package for schools, aimed at ensuring an inclusive welcome to all disabled children regardless of their impairment.
Inclusion for individuals with Down's syndrome across mainstream education settings
The Down's Syndrome Association (DSA) have developed a new resource for all education professionals. The Celebrating Success series brings to life the DSA Education Support Packs by using case studies written in the words of teachers, assistants and parents.
Improving school council for students with autism
The National Autistic Society's Young Campaigners' Group have produced a set of recommendations written for pupils and students to improve the effectiveness of school councils for all school students.
Moving On to Secondary School
Free resources on transition from primary to secondary school for parents, pupils and teachers.
Putting the UK Vision Strategy into action for children and young people
These guidelines are intended for those responsible for commissioning and providing services for children and young people and their families. They will assist with the interpretation and implementation of the UK Vision Strategy across health, education and social care.
2. Further Education
Aspirations for Life - Learning how colleges work
Website providing information for young people without learning disabilities.
Briefing for post-16 providers: planning a curriculum for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities for 2013 and beyond
Breifing for post 16 providers. Contains good examples of what study programmes can look like.
Dorton College
Dorton College of Further Education is an independent residential specialist college for blind and partially sighted young people aged 16-25 years old run by RLSB.
Down's Syndrome - further education
Practical advice and information for education professionals who are including, or planning to include, a pupil with Down's syndrome in college and further education.
Finished at school guide
Ambitious about Autism have launched thier digital version of the Finished at School guide.
Information designed for teachers and classroom assistants who work with children or young people with hemiplegia.
Improving Choice in post 16 education for Young People with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities
Improving Choice is an East of England Pathfinder that set out to develop local post 16 provision for disabled young people and young people with learning difficulties whose only alternative if they wished to continue in education would be to attend a specialist, residential college.
Lead Scotland
Lead Scotland, (Specialists in Linking Education and Disability), is a voluntary organisation set up to widen access to learning for disabled young people and adults and carers across Scotland.
RNIB College Loughborough
RNIB College Loughborough supports people with sight loss and other disabilities to access education, work and housing, to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and positive relationships.
Royal National College for the Blind
The Royal National College for the blind is a college of further education and training for people (16+) who are blind or partially sighted and with other disabilities. As well as their courses, the college also offers specialist training and support to businesses, universities and other education providers, and specialist professionals working with visually impaired people.
Supporting the achievement of deaf young people in further education
The aim of this booklet is to help staff in further education make effective provision for deaf students so that they make good progress and develop the independent learning and life skills they will need in adulthood
Transition2 project
A college for disabled young people that offers bespoke learning pathways based on person-centred long-term targets which encourage learners to ‘start with the end in sight’.
We Connect Now
We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues.
Your future, your choice: Bridging the gap 2013 edition
RNIB, in partnership with other key organisations, has produced transition guidance for young people who are blind or partially sighted across the UK. These guides outline support and services available to assist young people through their journey from school, to further and higher education, and into employment.
3. Higher Education (University)
AchieveAbility has produced a range of materials and resources to encourage inclusive practice and support participation across the education sectors.
Information about support and financial help for disabled students.
Lead Scotland
Lead Scotland, (Specialists in Linking Education and Disability), is a voluntary organisation set up to widen access to learning for disabled young people and adults and carers across Scotland.
Into Higher Education
This is a guide for disabled people thinking about studying in higher education starting September 2016.
University Challenge
A report by the Muscular Dystrophy campaign into the challenges experienced by disabled young people wanting to go to University.
University Challenge 2013: The Trailblazers’ Higher Education report
Information on the accessibility of the top 100 universities in the UK and a hints and tips guide to university life on subjects from studying to socialising.
We Connect Now
We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting disabled people, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues.
Your future, your choice: Bridging the gap 2013 edition
RNIB, in partnership with other key organisations, has produced transition guidance for young people who are blind or partially sighted across the UK. These guides outline support and services available to assist young people through their journey from school, to further and higher education, and into employment.
4. Inclusion
Alliance For Inclusive Education (ALLFIE)
ALLFIE campaigns for disabled children's and young people's right to an inclusive and mainstream education.
Extending Inclusion
This guide is designed to support the inclusion of disabled children in children's centres and extended schools.
Inclusion Charter
An A2-sized poster promoting key principles of inclusion.
Inclusion for individuals with Down's syndrome across mainstream education settings
The Down's Syndrome Association (DSA) have developed a new resource for all education professionals. The Celebrating Success series brings to life the DSA Education Support Packs by using case studies written in the words of teachers, assistants and parents.
Inclusion Policy
Sets out a policy and a set of principles that the Council for Disabled Children consider to be crucial to the development of inclusion.
Inclusion Policy Posters
6 posters based on the Council for Disabled Children's Inclusion Policy.
Information for teachers & education professionals
The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities has produced information on inclusion for teachers and education professionals.
5. Funding
Home to school transport - top myths information sheet
Information sheet for parents which aims to dispel the common myths about home to school transport.
School SEN Funding - a briefing for parents
This briefing provides information about the school funding changes and explains what you should do if a school or local authority proposes to change the special educational provision for your child.
Snowdon Trust
The Snowdon Trust provide grants to physically disabled and sensory impaired students studying in the UK – in further or higher education or those training towards employment.
6. SEN Advice
Coram Children's Legal Centre
Leaflet on Special Educational Needs.
7. Transition Planning
Ability Profiler
Ability Profiler is an online profiling tool which maps out the student's strengths, support and development needs including gaining an understanding of the impact of their disabilities and/or Health Conditions. This information can be used to inform the individual and the education setting in making a decisions about their life, learning and planning for employment. It can assist the education setting for monitoring distance travelled.
Autism Transition Toolkit
This toolkit, produced by the Autism Education Trust, is a summary of common issues surrounding transition for young people on the autism spectrum, as well as a guide to the considerations that should be taken by those supporting them.
Bristol Transitions Pathway and Transitions in Bristol: A Route for Parent Carers of Teens with Additional Needs
These are generic pathways agreed after much work with key stakeholders, partners and parents.
Contact a Family
Contact a Family has 3 leaflets on transition planning.
Information for teachers and education professionals
The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities has produced information on transition for teachers and education professionals.
Lost in transition? A guide to finding you way through
Information about transition for young people, parents and practitioners from Dimensions.
Transition: a guide for parents and carers
Advice and information for parents and carers about the transition process by Mencap (Dec 2009).
Person Centred Approaches in Transition Planning
This information leaflet looks at what a person centred approach might look like for a disabled young person during the transition to adulthood.
Supporting young people with learning difficulties to participate and progress – incorporating guidance on Learning Difficulty Assessments
Statutory guidance for the assessment of the needs of young people with learning difficulties as they move into further education.
Transitions to Adult Services by Disabled Young People Leaving Out of Authority Residential Schools
Report, published in 2009, on how transitions from out of authority residential schools to adult services are managed. This study also identified factors which appear key to the transition process and its outcomes.
8. Training providers
For the last 17 years Soundabout has delivered training packages to professionals in special needs schools, colleges, children's centres, residential homes and to other organisations that work with people with learning disabilities, throughout the UK.