On the 1st September 2014 the Children and Families Act came into effect and with it a raft of reforms and new duties on local authorities for how services and support are delivered for disabled children and young people and those with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
As part of their transition and implementation arrangements, the Government awarded a series of contracts to provide information, advice and support to those effected by the reforms. To help you find what's available to you we've pulled together a menu of support listing all the services, training and advice that is funded this year.
The Department for Education has also commissioned a number of organisations to provide specialist support on areas including dyslexia, autism, sensory impairment, SPLD, and young offenders with SEN. You can find a full list of these providers and a break down of the support they're offering on our resources page here.
You can also explore our menu of support below.