Here at TIN we believe that all disabled young people should be able to access positive activities. This could include youth clubs, leisure activities and places to hang out with friends. Having things to do and places to go after school and at the weekend is really important. It is a way of making friends and getting involved in the local community.
1. Arts
Carousel is a charity that facilitates people with a learning disability to reach their potential in the arts.
Dramatize provides theatrical workshops for people with learning disabilities aged 16-40. Service users learn new skills whilst building confidence and empowerment within.
Face Front Inclusive Theatre
Face Front creates accessible theatre for schools and the public, with disabled and non-disabled performers.
Festival Spirit
Festival Spirit is a charity aimed at providing the full festival experience to young people who would not normally be able to enjoy one due to life-limiting illness or disability.
Friends for Leisure
Friends for Leisure arranges activities from one-to-one friendships through to group activities, such as drama and sports sessions, for disabled children and young people aged 5-21 who live in Cheshire East.
Graeae Threatre Company
Graeae is a disabled-led theatre company that profiles the skills of actors, writers and directors with physical and sensory impairments.
Heart N Soul
A creative arts company who believe in the power of people with learning disabilities. They offer opportunities for people to take part in creative activities, train in a new skill or develop their artistic talents.
Mencap Art Spider
On this website people with learning disabilities can draw pictures and save them in the online gallery, view other people's artwork, upload and view videos and music made by artists with learning disabilities, and read about art events in their local area.
Oska Bright
Oska Bright is an international film and digital media festival that features work made by people with a learning disability.
Shape Arts
Shape is a disability-led arts organisation working to improve access to culture for disabled people. Shape train cultural institutions to be more open to disabled people, and run participatory arts and development programmes.
The Twisting Ducks Theatre Company
The Twisting Ducks Theatre Company make entertaining, accessible and informative drama about issues that are important to them and other people with learning disabilities.
Upstream Arts
Upstream Arts use creative arts to amplify the voice of disabled individuals.
2. Clubs and Forums
Buzz Youth Group
This youth group is for disabled children, between 8 – 18 years, with any disability. The sessions are weekly covering the whole of Cheshire East. For further information call 01270 500660 or email [email protected]
Club Capernaum
Club Capernaum is a Christian charity dedicated to running weekly youth groups for disabled youngsters aged 14 to 30. They also run a summer camp.
Full of Life
Full of Life is a charity that provides a wide range of services for parent carers and their disabled children/adults in Kensington and Chelsea. These services includes The Full of Life Centre which runs six days a week, including a day service, afterschool club and school holiday provisions. The Full of Life Centre is for young people with complex needs aged 13 -25. The centre provides a huge range of personalised activities such as art, drama, an annual musical, yoga, sensory room, life skills…etc. It is a high quality, award winning service, with a focus on communication and personal development, new experiences and learning new skills.
Funky Dragon
Funky Dragon - the Children and Young People’s Assembly for Wales - aims to give young people the opportunity to get their voices heard on issues that affect them.
The halow project
halow’s purpose is to support young people with a learning disability on their journey into and through adult life.
The Powerful Voices Network
The powerful voices network aims to bring together young disabled people aged 13 - 25 who live in the North West.
3. Sports
British Disabled Water Ski Association
The British Disabled Water Ski Association introduces disabled people to water skiing.
Disability Sports Coach Community Club Westminster
Every Thursday from 4.30-6pm (term-time only) there are Paralympic and adapted sports for disabled young people aged 11-25yrs at the Little Venice Sports Centre in London.
English Federation of Disability Sport
The English Federation of Disability Sport is the national body responsible for developing sport for disabled people in England. They work closely with key partners to develop sporting opportunities for disabled people in England.
The Parasport website makes it easier for those interested in taking up disability sport. It provides information about - and a search tool for - disability sports clubs and opportunities in local areas.
Project Ability
Project Ability is a government funded project which aims to increase competitive opportunities for disabled young people. It is delivered through a network of 50 lead Project Ability schools, and helps schools in England to improve the quality of sport for disabled pupils.
Wheelchair Dance Sport Association (WDSA)
The WDSA was established in 2006 as the UK National Governing Body for wheelchair dance sport and wheelchair dancing within the UK.
Youth Sport Trust
The Youth Sport Trust is an independent charity devoted to changing young people's lives through sport.
4. Guides
Attitudinal Barriers to Engaging Young People in Positive Activities: Literature and Communications Review
The aim of this project is to generate insight from existing evidence to underpin the creation of a communications plan to support the delivery of Aiming High objectives. Aiming High for Disabled Children: Better support for families, launched in May 2007, is the transformation programme for disabled children's services.
5. Music festivals
Attitude is Everything
Attitude is Everything improves Deaf and disabled people's access to live music by working in partnership with audiences, artists and the music industry to implement a Charter of Best Practice across the UK.
Festival Spirit
Festival Spirit is a charity providing the full festival experience to young people who would not normally be able to enjoy one due to life-limiting illness or disability.
6. Projects
Inspire Me
The Inspire Me Project has been developed to give young people the chance to change their future. Allowing young people to explore different options available to them, to help them achieve positive outcomes into training, work, volunteering or engage with a positive activity.
7. Stories
Free Signed Stories
Signed Stories making hundreds of children’s stories accessible in British Sign Language, animation, pictures, text and sound.
8. Short Breaks
Short breaks provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their primary carers. These include day, evening, overnight or weekend activities and take place in the child's own home, the home of an approved carer, a residential or community setting.
Activities Unlimited
Activities Unlimited enables visitors to search activities, events and short breaks in Suffolk. It also provides information and support for disabled children and young people in Suffolk.
KIDS Direct Short Breaks
The KIDS Direct Short Breaks service provides short breaks for disabled children and young people up to the age of 25 years.
Short Breaks Training Materials
Free training materials on short breaks by the Council for Disabled Children.