The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Organisations Group (SENDIOG) is a network of like-minded organisations who provide free and impartial advice to children, young people and their families.
What we aim to do
- Share information on SEND trends, policy and practice
- Feed back to the Department for Education and other relevant bodies on significant trends or concerns identified by group members
- Identify training needs and opportunities
- Develop positive working relationships and mutual support
- Work in partnership to ensure parents and children and young people have access to relevant information and advice services
- Support the complementary and separate roles of each partner in order to improve efficiency and reduce duplication
Who is in SENDIOG?
The following organisations currently make up SENDIOG:
SENDIOG also develop collective resources:
For more information on these organisations, including how to access their support (including helplines, emails, direct support etc), please see the SENDIOG Information list.