First published: February 2019
Deep Dive report: A review of current practice, challenges & solutions in in IAS services
Between November 2018 and January 2019, the Research and Policy team at National Children's Bureau carried out a ‘deep dive’ review of existing practice across a selected number of Information Advice and Support (IAS) services.
The purpose of this exercise was to quickly identify learning and good practice from IAS services that could be shared with other IAS services as they seek to make service improvements and meet the recently published new ‘minimum’ standards for IAS services.
The most challenging aspects of service delivery identified by the survey were:
- Making the service accessible to children and young people (CYP)
- Helping other agencies understand the law
- Informing strategic decisions of local authorities (LAs) and other agencies
The survey also identifies and provides examples of good practice, behaviours and positive action being under taken by services to improve upon the local service offer and its engagement with partners and local strategic leads.