We are really proud of our members and will jump at every chance to shout about them and their achievements! This is a dedicated place to showcase members and to shine the spotlight on their projects. Keep scrolling to hear from our new member The Feeding Trust.
How it works
We are the UK charity for Paediatric Feeding Disorders (PFD), empowering families and communities through advocacy, specialist treatment, training, education and research. Across the world, on average, about 25% of children will struggle with feeding at some point during the first 10 years of life. Studies show that about 10% of children will go on to experience significant challenges with feeding. This figure rises significantly for children with medical, developmental or learning differences.
What has been achieved?
Launched in 2023, our charity has developed:
- A dedicated team of feeding therapists, who run a specialist feeding clinic for children with feeding difficulties.
- An advice, support and educational service for families and their extended networks.
- Education and training materials for early years and SEN staff, to support children with feeding difficulties in their educational settings.
- A website with advice, training and education for families and professionals working with children with feeding difficulties.
- Training courses for health professionals.
- Research programmes to further develop our understanding of PFD in the UK.
- Links with the NHS to look at services for children with feeding difficulties and how health inequalities can be reduced.
- Links with Universities and professional bodies to raise awareness of feeding difficulties across the health service.
Next steps
Our charity has brought together experts from across Medical, Nutritional, Skill based and Psychosocial fields to form a Community of Participation (CoP) to facilitate a more focused and efficient discussion to support appropriate identification, assessment, and management of Paediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD). There is a lack of awareness about PFD, and this is a significant barrier as it affects access to the right care for children, young people and families.
From this CoP, the consensus participants will publish consensus statements that will support the field to better assess and diagnose children and young people with accurate diagnosis. In addition to these publications, we will be gathering communities together to better support guidelines, resources and treatment across the UK.
More information
Website: www.feedingtrust.org
Instagram: @thefeedingtrust
Facebook: The Feeding Trust