Information, Advice and Support provider
Hampshire SENDIASS
Description of service
The Hampshire service offers the following:
- A confidential telephone helpline service
- A website where parent carers can access information about our service and a range of resources relating to educational issues
- One-to-one support by telephone or email, or by visiting you
- Listen to your views and concerns, and help you to explore your options
- Help you to understand your child’s rights around education
- Help you discuss your child with their school, the Local Authority and other agencies so that your concerns about your child are heard
- Help you to express your views in writing and at meetings
- Explain jargon and help you to understand complicated forms and documents
- Support you through the statutory assessment process towards an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
- General written information about educational matters relating to SEND
- Information about other agencies and organisations who may be able to support you
- Offer presentations to support groups
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm
Friday 9am – 4pm
0808 164 5504
Answerphone available for out of hours or if we are unable to take your call during office hours.