HPIG and the Stakeholder Council operate under the following Terms of Reference.
The National Children’s Bureau and the Council for Disabled Children convene HPIG and the Stakeholder Council.
HPIG is funded through voluntary membership donations and fundraising.
The Stakeholder Council is supported financially by NHS England’s CYP Transformation Programme Team.
List of HPIG members
Anne Pinney - independent researcher, policy adviser & data champion
Association for Young People's Health
British Academy of Childhood Disability
Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition
Disabled Children's Partnership
Ingrid Wolfe, independent
Mando Watson, independent
National Academy for Social Prescribing
National Deaf Children's Society
PEDAL (Centre for research on Play in Education, Development and Learning)
Rare Autoinflammatory Conditions Community UK
Royal College of Occupational Therapists
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
School and Public Health Nurses Association
Voluntary Organisations Disability Group