On the 9th of November 2022, CDC ran a national webinar on Joint Commissioning.
The webinar was aimed at health professionals who work with children with SEND and strategic leads (SEND Leads, Children's Health Commissioners, DCO/DMOs, DSCOs), as well as parent/carer forum representatives.
The webinar consisted of:
- An introduction from Anna Gardner - Assistant Director at the Council for Disabled Children
- A presentation from Tracy Fisher - Children’s Complex Care Manager/ Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) For SEND 0-25 in Portsmouth
- A presentation from Nicola Childs - Commissioning Lead CYP North and Jo Heaney - Head of Commissioning & Strategy for Children, Young People & Maternity in North East and North Cumbria
- A presentation from Emma Lonsdale – Head of Service for Children, Young People and Inclusion in North Yorkshire.
The presenters talked about the Joint Commissioning journey in their areas, and after each presentation there was time allocated for a Q&A.
The webinar finished with a presentation from CDC outlining existing Joint Commissioning resources.
You can watch the webinar and download the slides below.