On 8th February 2024, CDC ran a national virtual event for SEND Leads, DCO/DMOs and Commissioners from across the country. The theme of the event was Learning from and for SEND and AP Systems Improvement, and the aim of the event was to update the sector, share knowledge and best practice and learn from each other. The main plenary session consisted of:
- Welcome and introduction from Amanda Allard (Director of CDC)
- A presentation from DfE for ‘Education Update on the Change Programme’ (Alasdaire Duerden, Head of SEND and AP Local Implementation Unit, Department for Education)
- A presentation from CQC on ‘Learning from Thematic Review and Inspections’ (Steve Shaw, Senior His Majesty’s Inspector, OFSTED and Lucy Harte, CQC Inspector, CQC)
- A presentation from NHSE on ‘Leadership and Development: Quality Improvement Framework and the Leadership and Accountability Framework’ (Lorraine Mulroney, Head of SEND, NHSE, Rachael Wilcox, Designated Professional SEND Manager, NHSE and Sally Newsome, Head of SEND: Children's Continuing Care and Personalisation, NHSE)
- A presentation from Olive Academies on ‘Emerging Role of Alternative Provision in Local SEND Partnerships (Adam Tedesco, Deputy CEO, Olive Academies and Mark Vickers, CEO, Olive Academies)
A recording of the plenary session can be found here.
Attendees at the event were also given the opportunity to attend 2x workshops on a variety of topics. Please find the workshop recordings below:
- A three-tier model for medical needs alternative provision (Stephen Deadman, Head Teacher, Leicestershire Children’s Hospital School)
- CDC’s Thematic Analysis of Local Area SEND Inspections (Sam Paccia-Folkins, Programme Manager, and Lucy Adams, Project Assistant, CDC)
- Supported Internships for disabled young people and those with SEN (Julie Pointer, Programme Lead, NDTi. Claire Cookson, Chief Executive Officer, DFN Foundation. Laura Davis, Chief Executive, BASE and Inclusive Training CIC)
- SEND Data Dashboard: How Bedford Borough uses a multi agency data dashboard to drive continuous improvement (Chris Morris, Chief Education Officer and Emma Stone, SEND Change Programme Manager, Bedford Borough Council)
- The role of a SEND Strategic Lead in a healthcare provider organisation (Gillian Vince, SEND Strategic Lead, Northumbria Healthcare)
- How can we work together to improve experiences of families? (Tina Emery OBE and Claire Richmond, National Network of Parent Carer Forums CIC)
- Learning from SEND Improvement Boards so far (Dame Christine Lenehan, CDC)
- SEND Community Offer/Short Breaks & Local Offer (Maria Simpkin, SEND Engagement and Local Offer Manager and Maureen Howell, SEND Engagement and Young Carers Lead, Manchester City Council. Joined by Representatives from: Manchester Parent Carer Forum, Manchester Parent Champions, and Manchester Space Parent Support Group)
Slides from the plenary session and the workshops are attached below:
- Plenary Session
- A three-tier model for medical needs alternative provision
- CDC’s Thematic Analysis of Local Area SEND Inspections
- Supported Internships for disabled young people and those with SEN
- SEND Data Dashboard: How Bedford Borough uses a multi agency data dashboard to drive continuous improvement
- The role of a SEND Strategic Lead in a healthcare provider organisation
- Bringing Specialist Teams to Children in AP: Alternative Provision Specialist Taskforces
- How can we work together to improve experiences of families?
- Learning from SEND Improvement Boards so far
- SEND Community Offer/Short Breaks & Local Offer