On the 26th February 2021, CDC ran a national virtual event for SEND Leads, DCO/DMOs and Commissioners from across the country. The aim of the event was to update the sector, share knowledge and best pratice and learn from each other. The main plenary session consisted of:
- NHSE/I SEND update from Lorraine Mulroney, Senior Nurse for CYP and SEND Workstream Lead at NHSE/I
- A briefing on Delivery partner offer by Fiona Nzegwu, DfE
- Presentation on ICSs, Integrated Care Partnerships and Local Care Organisations and provider collaboratives by Richard Owen, Head of Children and Young People, NHS Medical Directorate, NHS England
- West Yorkshire and Harrogate Children and Families ICS Programme presentation delivered by Sue Rumbold, Director
A recording of the main session can be found here.
Attendees at the event were also given the opportunity to attend 2x workshops on variety of topics. Please find the workshop recordings below:
- An overview of CDC’s e-learning offer
- Building resilience for young people with additional needs through COVID-19
- Changing Young People's Lives Through Personalised Care - Thurrock's Story
- Developing a framework for minimum training requirements for healthcare professionals with regards to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- Ensuring breadth of health advice and a collaborative submission as part of the Education, Health and Care needs assessment process.
- From surviving to thriving: keeping a special school, its pupils and their families supported during a global pandemic.
- Home and Away – Good transitions for young people who have lived out of area as a result of their education when returning to their home community.
- Putting the NHS Number on an EHC Plan
- Respite and Short Breaks
- Results from the UK National Autism Diagnostic Services Survey 2020: Similarities and differences between provision from paediatric and CAMHS teams, and recommendations for change
- SEND Data Dashboard
- Supporting the sector through Whole School SEND
- The Healthy Parent Carers Programme: using CLANGERS to improve parent carers health and wellbeing as a response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Using technology to triangulate information and enable anticipatory support- Salford
- What co-production has looked like during the pandemic.
All the powerpoint slides can be found below.