CDC worked with pilot areas across the East and West Midlands to develop a multi-agency approach to collecting outcomes-based SEND data, which we know is often the hardest part of SEND data collection but which is vital and is increasingly an expectation of local systems.
As part of this, we worked with North East London Commissioning Support Unit (NEL CSU) to develop a new Outcomes Data Dashboard which can be used to robustly capture and monitor outcomes-based SEND data, and which is as an extension of CDC’s existing multi-agency SEND Data Dashboard that captures local profile and governance data.
This new Outcomes Data Dashboard was developed to bring together key multi-agency data that shows what progress is being made over time towards strategic outcomes. For this project, we codeveloped 7 outcomes to measure against:
- My voice is heard
- I am able to learn
- I am healthy
- I am happy
- I feel supported
- I am safe
- I am in control of my life
For each of these outcomes, we worked backwards using the guiding principle ‘make the important measurable, rather than the measurable important’, and agreed a set of key indicators to measure. However, the dashboard and tools can be changed and personalised to reflect an area or system’s own outcomes and indicators where these differ.
The indicators are a mixture of data already being collected on a statutory basis, information held by particular part of the SEND system, and new measures which include children and young people’s voice data.
The dashboard is a way to bring this together and more easily see trends over time, compare between years and local authorities, and break the data down into age, gender, ethnicity, and EHCP or SEN Support status. The dashboard has been developed in both Power BI and Excel. We would encourage all areas to use the Power BI dashboard if possible as it has additional features and is more user-friendly. Both dashboards and all data input tools are linked below
On this page, you will find a range of supporting resources:
You can also download all the dashboard files, which include: