Strategic Reform Partner for SEND

As the Strategic Reform Partner for SEND to the Department for Education we provide expert advice directly to policy makers, support effective sector engagement, and develop guidance and practical tools to support the sector.

CDC has been Strategic Reform Partner to the Department for Education since 2013 and we are continuing to build on this work through a 3-year contract until March 2025. We are part of a network of organisations who have been funded by Government to provide a programme of support to the sector focused on embedding the duties set out in the Children and Families Act 2014. 

Our role this year focuses on several key elements:

Expert Advice to the DfE

Part of our role includes providing policy and practice advice to government on SEN and disability and highlighting issues relating to implementation and embedding of the duties set out in the Children and Families Act 2014 alongside a range of related legislation and policy areas.

Creating opportunities for Sector engagement

As the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector we have a membership of over 390 VCS organisations as well as our wider sector networks which include local authorities, public health bodies and professional bodies. In addition to providing opportunities for DfE to regularly engage with these groups we also facilitate a range of regular and bespoke engagement opportunities including:

  • SEND Joint Ministerial Roundtable
  • Seldom Heard Parent Carer Stakeholder Group
  • Online communities of practice 
  • The SEND and AP Improvement Plan

Bespoke Projects, Information and Resources

We work across different national programmes to facilitate and share learning including such as the DfE funded Short Breaks Innovation Programme. We also work with the sector to develop learning examples on the following key themes:

  • Good joint working between education, health and care;
  • Strong early intervention including good wraparound support from health and care for pupils on SEN support; 
  • Establishing new approaches to commissioning for children and young people with the most complex needs, drawing on learning from the recent National Child Safeguarding Review Panel Report into abuse of disabled children in residential settings;
  • Effective management of the EHCP process, leading to high quality EHC plans and improved outcomes for children and families;
  • Inclusive education.

We also develop bespoke tools and resources for professionals across education, health and social care and work with children, young people and parent carers to create resources and toolkits that explain how the SEND system works.

Representing England in Europe

We also act as the national coordinator for England to the European Agency for Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, an independent organisation that acts as a platform for collaboration for the ministries of education in our member countries. Following each meeting, Dr Daniel Stavrou shares his reflections on implications for our national policy and practice frameworks which you can find here.