Amaze Sussex offers advice and support to families of disabled children and young people in Sussex. Amaze strives to ensure that parent carers and disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs are informed and supported to build their resilience and ensure their voices are heard.
Amaze is an independent, parent-led charity whose work with parent carers and young people is funded from a variety of sources: Brighton and Hove City Council, central government, health services, grants and donations and dedicated fundraising activities such as the Brighton Marathon and the BIG Cheer Comedy night. Amaze offers Independent Support with EHC planning to parent carers and young people in Brighton and Hove, West Sussex and East Sussex. Amaze also run the Compass Card leisure discount scheme in both Brighton and Hove and West Sussex.
The values of the organisation are:
- Parent carers and disabled young people and those with special educational needs themselves are the experts and our services should be ‘person-centred’
- Build the confidence and skills of parent carers so they are then better placed to build their child’s resilience
- Amaze services will be of a high quality, underpinned by experienced and knowledgeable staff, approachable, trustworthy and independent
- Amaze provides a link between parents, children, services and the wider community so will aim to provide information, advice and support which is holistic and presents/considers all the different perspectives