Children in Wales

Children in Wales is the body for organisations who work with children, young people and their families in Wales. 

We are a membership body, and our members are drawn from the voluntary, statutory and professional sectors.  We work with and for our members to promote their interests and meet their needs.  

The aims are to promote the interests of these groups, to improve services in Wales and to put children high on the Welsh agenda.

Children in Wales work closely with our members who comprise of professionals, policy makers and consumer groups to improve the lives of all children living in Wales, but especially young children, those affected by family instability, children with special needs or disabilities, and those suffering the effects of poverty and deprivation.

They collect and disseminate information about children and promote good practice in children's services through research, policy and practice development, publications, conferences, seminars, training and access to an extensive library and information service. Children in Wales has offices in Cardiff and Caernarfon.

Children in Wales has also recently launched a new initiative, namely Young Wales – Cymru Ifanc. The aim is to work closely with children and young people from schools, youth fora and other organisations in Wales to gather their views on issues that are important to them (like bullying, hate crime, healthy relationships, mental health etc).

Children in Wales strive to make sure that children's voices are heard by Welsh Government Ministers and policy makers. 

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