Challengers provide play and leisure opportunities for disabled children and young people.
A significant benefit of our service is that it provides families with short-breaks during high pressure times e.g. at the weekend or during the school holidays, enabling them to do ‘ordinary’ activities such as shopping or spending time with their other children."
Challengers support any child or young person with any impairment through our Preschool (age 2-4), Play (age 4 - 12), Youth (age 13 - 18) and Young Adult schemes (18-25). They do not set any geographical boundaries and young people do not have to be on a ‘disability register’ to access their service – if they can’t access mainstream leisure then they can come to a Challengers scheme. Their facilities are also open to families, special schools, hospitals, children's homes and other organisations. Their unique non exclusion policy means that we do not exclude and will always find a way.
Challengers offer a wide range of fun activities for children and young people to take part in. The breadth of activities that They provide mean that we can offer disabled young people something to do and somewhere to go from the age of 2 to 25. The Play Schemes are typically based around ‘free play’ where we encourage and support children to make free choices about the activities they take part in. Their Youth and Young Adult Schemes are caring, relaxed and friendly places where disabled young people can make friends, try new activities or just hang out.