
InterAct works with children, young people and their families/carers to improve lives and realise potential. InterAct operates across Essex providing a wide range of independent, responsive and resilience services, supporting people to make successful transitions in life. The overall aim is to inform/support/empower people to increase their independence/choice and control, realise their aspirations and play a full part in society.

InterAct also work hard to promote a wider understanding /awareness of mental health and disability, to reduce the fear, stigma and discrimination that goes along with it, and highlight the need for prevention, early intervention, and inclusive communities

InterAct provide high quality, innovative, person-centred, outcome focused services, empowering and connecting people and communities. Their belief is in people and their capacity to achieve. Every day they aspire to improve lives by supporting:

  • Disabled young people and young people with additional needs, so they can realise their potential
  • Families so they can successfully deal with life changes/challenges
  • People in vulnerable circumstances, so they have services/opportunities that support them to overcome disadvantage
  • Communities to become more resilient and inclusive

InterAct has a broad range of social, leisure, learning opportunities take place across the year, daytime/ evenings/weekends, in individual and group settings and include Community-based activities; Formal/informal training; Drop-Ins/Information events; Activities that: provide opportunities for widening/developing a young person's social/everyday life skills; improve personal, emotional, health & wellbeing, e.g. support for parents/young people through Education, Health & Care plans; creating Person-Centred Support Plans; Encourage/promote social action to extend their reach, increase capacity, build stronger communities.

External Resources