
Livability is a national Christian disability and community engagement charity.

Livability deliver disability services, community projects, education and training resources that promote inclusion and wellbeing. They also share our expertise internationally. Livability are an enabling network of people, tackling barriers in society to make community livable.

Livability is a proven and trusted provider of commissioned care and community projects throughout the UK. Created by a merger of The Shaftesbury Society and John Grooms, Livability has a 160-year track record in community and inclusion work. Services include:

  • 26 residential care homes
  • A school and a further education college for disabled students
  • Internationally, they provide spinal injury rehabilitation expertise in developing countries.
  • Resourcing churches in community engagement and disability awareness
  • A brain injury rehabilitation centre
  • A Lifestyle Choices programme promoting independent living for disabled people
  • An enterprise training and mentoring employment agency
  • A wide range of social inclusion work through Link churches and community projects.

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