Parents and Carers Together (PACT) Stockport

PACT supports parents and carers who have disabled children and/or young people and/or additional needs in Stockport.

PACT want to improve services in Stockport for disabled children and young people and those with additional needs. They work with parents and the Stockport Children and Young People's Disability Partnership in order to assess, develop, improve and maintain services.

The strong voice of parents and carers at the Heart of Stockport's delivery of services for disabled children and young people and those with additional needs 0 - 25 years and their families.

PIPS aims to:

  • Create a forum for the views of parents and carers of disabled children and young people and those with additional needs on Stockport's SEND service provision.
  • Ask parents and carers of disabled children and young people and those with additional needs for their opinions. 
  • Make parents and carers more confident as representatives. Enabling them to go on to then improve Stockport's services for disabled children and young people and those with additional needs.
  • Work in partnership with Stockport Education, Health, Social Care and all other organisations in Stockport. Design, Develop and shape services which better meet the needs of children, young people and families better.
  • Provide information to parents and carers of disabled children and young people and those with additional needs 0 - 25 years. This information will empower parent carers and help them to make better use of Stockport's services.