Play Therapy UK

Play Therapy UK works improve the quality of play therapy with children in the UK. 

Play Therapy UK intends to lead the way in improving the quality and safety of practice of therapy with children in line with the principles of Right Touch Regulation, the foundation of Government’s health and social care policies.

Many children need support in emotional literacy.  Others have behaviour or mental health problems at some stage that prevents them from fulfilling their full potential.       

Some studies indicate that 20% of children have some form of psychological problem Venables (1983); Rutter, Cox et al (1975); Jeffers & Fitzgerald (1991); Porteous (1991) etc. and that 70% of these are helped through the use of psychological based therapies such as play and creative arts. 

The 1999 British government survey estimated that 10% of children have a mental health problem.  It is also essential to realise that mental health, like physical health, is as much about prevention as cure.     

  • Modern play therapy is based upon principles developed by Virginia Axline     
  • Practitioners of play therapy and therapeutic play use a Play Therapy Tool-Kit      
  • Conditions that therapeutic play and play therapy can help 

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