Taking Part

Taking Part is a registered charity working throughout Shropshire with disabled people.

Taking Part work with disabled children to provide them and their families with respite and they are part of the local IASS service, working with young people to hear their views and opinions.

Taking Part support families and carers understand changes to the many types of support and services they are entitled to and access locally. The wider remit is to provide information, advice, advocacy and training to people who require health and social care services either from statutory services or their local communities.

We work with a lot of different organisations, such as:

  • BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities)
  • CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group)
  • Social services
  • Local Health Authority
  • Providers of residential care
  • Local Colleges and education providers
  • Police
  • Employment services
  • Other advocacy groups in Shropshire, such as A4U, OSCA, Mencap, SIAS and PCAS

External Resources