Urban Saints

A Christian youth organisation that trains leaders to work inclusively with disabled children and young people and those with SEN.

Urban Saints (the operating name of ‘The Crusaders Union’) is a Christian organisation that has for over 110 years been committed to working with children and young people across the UK and Ireland – primarily through the passion and commitment of tens of thousands of trained and resourced volunteers running outreach groups. Young people (aged 3 to 18+) connect with the movement in a variety of ways, including weekly children’s and youth groups, special events, holidays, community projects and training programmes.

For the past four years, a hugely successful learning & development programme, ‘All Inclusive?’ has trained thousands of leaders to work inclusively and effectively with disabled children and young people and children and young people with additional needs, and their families. Urban Saints are also joint-founders of the ‘Additional Needs Alliance’ collective of children’s workers, practitioners and parents. 

Contact Mark Arnold at [email protected] or @Mark_J_Arnold for more details.

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