Everyone Can

Everyone Can provides free technological support to disabled people across the UK.

Everyone Can aims to empower disabled people and those who support them, through knowledge of and support in using assistive technology, to help them communicate and increase their independence by using technology to help reduce isolation. 

By talking directly with you, Everyone Can's highly experienced assessors are able to ask you the right questions and listen to your answers to identify what technology best suits your needs.

Everyone Can visit support groups and organisations without charge to explain and demonstrate products that are available along with the outcomes that can be achieved. In addition, they also offer free training in how to setup and use any specialist technology, as they have found that the lack of training and on-going support can often be a barrier to the technology being adopted.

Everyone Can now has a free to call helpline which provides support on general computer issues as well as specialist hardware and software. This allows disabled people and those who support them to access their services quickly and conveniently. Current remote access technology also enables them to remotely access a service user's computer to carry out remedial work, or to fine tune the settings. Remote access is also used to provide free individual training or demonstrations of assistive technology to suite a disabled person's individual needs.

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