Learning Disability Wales is a national charity representing the learning disability sector in Wales.
Everything that they do focuses on creating a Wales that values and includes every child, young person and adult with a learning disability.
LDW want all people with a learning disability to live as independently as possible in a place that they choose, and to have control over their lives. LDW believe that people with a learning disability can achieve this if they, their families and the people who support them have access to the best information, advice, training and support. They play a unique role in making this happen - through our own services, working in partnership with other organisations, and influencing policy. How they do this
- Informing - website, Llais magazine, eNewsletter, social media, Easy Read service, conferences and events will keep you up-to-date with the latest news and issues that matter.
- Educating - projects and extensive training programme can help you to learn and develop new skills.
- Influencing - advise government and statutory bodies, including local authorities, health boards, Welsh Government, UK and European government.
- Listening - use conferences, consultation events and social media to make sure they are always engaged with the issues that matter to people with a learning disability, their families and the people who support them.
You can also engage through more informal channels - contact them, or simply speak to them at an event.
LDW work in partnership with:
- people with a learning disability
- our members
- Welsh Government
- service providers
- disabled people's organisations
- advocacy groups
- statutory agencies
- parent and carer organisations
LDW promote real inclusion, personalisation and person-centred planning, and actively support the People First slogan: 'Nothing about us without us!'