North Warwickshire & Coventry Dyslexia Association

North Warwickshire & Coventry Dyslexia Association promotes better understanding of dyslexia.

Founded by Parents the Association came about when they identified the need for a support organisation for other parents of dyslexic children in North Warwickshire. In 1992, NWCDA registered as a charity and became affiliated to the British Dyslexia Association (BDA), and as a Local Dyslexia Association is a member of the BDA.
The Association has links with Local Education Authorities, SENDIASS and Parent Carer Forums in both Coventry and Warwickshire as well as other dyslexia organisations and charities.

The Association offers signposting and information through the Helpline and Website, Befriending when needed, “Drop-In” confidential chat sessions and Dyslexia Screening for children and adults.