Parenting Special Children

The Parenting Special Children's charity helps families access relevant parenting support in their local area.

It also helps parents find ongoing support from local authorties, health professionals and local and national organisations.

They do the following:

  • Provide parenting programmes specifically written for parents who have children with special needs.
  • Use parenting programmes from Positive Parenting, an organisation which has a twenty year track record in supporting families.
  • Work alongside local authorities, health professionals and voluntary organisations in Berkshire and the surrounding area to provide information and support to parents.
  • Parenting Special Children’s board of trustees consists of people who either work with families who have children and young people with special needs or have a child with special needs themselves.
  • Parenting Special Children’s policies and practices have all been developed in line with the Occupational Standards for Work with Parents.
  • Provide a diagnosis support service for families whose children are in the process of receiving a diagnosis for their child or young person.

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