On the 28th September 2022, CDC ran a national virtual event for SEND Leads, DCO/DMOs and Commissioners from across the country. The theme of the event was What Works in SEND, and the aim was to update the sector, share knowledge and best practice and learn from each other. The main plenary session consisted of:
- An update from Department for Education Officials on the SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper (Alison Ismael, Director of SEND and AP)
- An update on the SEND Sector Led Improvement Programme (SLIP) and sharing of experiences (Sally Dyson, Team Leader, DfE and Chris Morris, Bedford Borough Council; Steve Comber, RBKC and Westminster City; Candy Holder, Islington Council and Kellie Williams, Warrington Council)
- An update from CDC on the What Works in SEND programme and the workforce survey results (Amanda Allard, Director and Anna Gardiner, Assistant Director, CDC)
A recording of the plenary session can be found here.
Attendees at the event were also given the opportunity to attend 2x workshops on variety of topics. Please find the workshop recordings below (those without links were not recorded):
- Developing Policy and Practice Recommendations for Resetting Services to Disabled Children - Have Your Say (Dr Lindsay Pennington, Reader in Communication Disorders and Honorary Consultant Speech and Language Therapist at Newcastle University Chris Morris)
- Addressing sexual and reproductive health for women & girls with a learning disability and/or autism through Annual Health Checks (Marie Hunt, Health Programme Officer, CDC)
- Delivering Keyworking for autistic and learning disabled young people at risk (Maria Bourbon, Clinical and Operational Lead - Oxfordshire CYP Autism and LD Liaison Team)
- Contact: Working together with families and practitioners to develop healthcare settings, North West, Sensory Friendly Environments (Mary Mulvey-Oates, Project Manager at Contact, and Julie Pointer, Delivery Manager, NDTi)
- A Programme Manager’s Experience of SEND: Simple Approaches and Tools That Deliver Successful Improvements (Zoe Richards, Senior Manager SEND, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB)
- Dissemination of findings from an NHSE funded Autism Diagnostic Pathways project: “A Realist Evaluation of Autism Service Delivery” (2019-2022) (Ian Male, and Will Farr, Senior Research Fellow in Paediatric Neurodisability/Psychology)
- Role of the Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO) for SEND (Sorrel Norwood, Project Management Lead, CDC)
- Inclusive Schools: What Works (Reshmi Copperthwaite, Programme Lead for Education & Equalities, CDC and Daisy Russell, Programme Lead, IAS Network, CDC)
- Integrated Care Systems as they develop – what do ICSs mean for the SEND system? (Saskia Jenkins, Health Programme Manager and Anna Gardiner, Assistant Director - Health, CDC)
- SE Region - SEND Training Assurance Framework (Sue Gibbons, DCO, and Matthew Ward, Deputy DCO, Kent and Medway)
- The Story and Impact of a SEND Advice Line (Kate Capel, Head of Service for Inclusion, Lincolnshire County Council)
Slides from some of the plenary session and most of the workshops are attached below.